Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Daiy Mail: One-legged Afghan Red Cross worker set to be hanged after converting to Christianity

An Afghan physiotherapist will be executed within three days for converting to Christianity.

Said Musa, 45, has been held for eight months in a Kabul prison were he claims he has been tortured and sexually abused by inmates and guards.

Mr Musa, who lost his left leg in a landmine explosion in the 1990s, has worked for the Red Cross for 15 years and helps to treat fellow amputees.

Execution: Christians pray during a mass at a church in Kabul (file picture). Said Musa is facing execution unless he converts back to Islam

Execution: Christians pray during a mass at a church in Kabul (file picture). Said Musa is facing execution unless he converts back to Islam... Read more.


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