Sunday, September 05, 2010

Ladybird: Temporary U.S. military withdrawal from Iraq, waiting for the civil war


Roads To Iraq...

Most of the analy­sis and the views (at least in the Mid­dle East) see the U.S. with­drawal from Iraq is an arti­fi­cial sce­nario intended to mis­lead pub­lic opin­ion, the Iraqis and Amer­i­cans and Mid­dle East­ern, as well as the inter­na­tional opinion.

The U.S. exit from Iraq is just re-programming for a later entry, prob­a­bly after the U.S. midterm con­gres­sional elections.

In other words, the U.S. with­drew from Iraq, but kept the following:

- The Iraqi gov­ern­ment cri­sis, with no sign of solution.

- About 50 thou­sand U.S. troops, spe­cial forces poised to fight and imple­ment offen­sive mil­i­tary operations.

- Keep all the U.S. troops with­drawn from Iraq in a neigh­bor­ing Arab coun­try [Kuwait].

The U.S. with­drawal from Iraq led to the emer­gence of three camps, could be referred to as follows:

Opti­mists camp

The U.S. with­drawal from Iraq is an impor­tant turn­ing point of Iraq’s sta­bil­ity, and pro­mote trust and cred­i­bil­ity, not in the Mid­dle East, but between the U.S. admin­is­tra­tion and Amer­i­can pub­lic opin­ion, as that will help to strengthen the posi­tion of the U.S. Demo­c­ra­tic Party to win the results of the com­ing midterm con­gres­sional elec­tions, mak­ing Amer­i­can vot­ers choose one of two options:

- Vote Repub­li­can, which means the esca­la­tion of the war, and pay more expenses and loss the health insur­ance and social wel­fare drafts.

- Vote Democ­rats, which means to get rid of the war and pro­vide the funds nec­es­sary to sup­port the eco­nomic sit­u­a­tion and the domes­tic ser­vice in the U.S.


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