Monday, August 02, 2010

A New Standard for Objective Journalism at the CJR?

"I work as a defense policy analyst at a think tank. I get paid to do research and then give informed opinions about issues of interest to policy-makers. Those policy-makers can either accept my recommendations or, more often than not, reject them. Last week, Joel Meares went after me on the Columbia Journalism Review's blog, which is fair game even though I am not a journalist and the piece of work he was criticizing was an analysis piece commissioned by the opinion page of the New York Times. This week, though, Mears interviewed my friend Nir Rosen, who is a journalist, and who said the following about the Wikileaks episode that frankly caused my jaw to drop:
"I think undermining that war in any way possible is a good thing."
"Abu Muqawama


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