Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Local man could face jail time for taking daughter to church

CHICAGO - An Afghanistan war veteran is waiting to find out if he will have to spend any time behind bars for taking his daughter to church. Joseph Reyes' contempt of court case was reassigned to a new judge Tuesday, and his hearing was continued.

Reyes and his estranged wife, Rebecca, are involved in a bitter divorce case and custody battle that has many people asking if the separation of church and state is being violated.

Joseph Reyes is Catholic, and Rebecca Reyes is Jewish. Joseph Reyes says at one point in their marriage he converted to Judaism to please his wife and her family -- but he says he never stopped being Catholic.

The couple separated in 2008, and Rebecca Reyes was given primary custody. She wanted their daughter raised in the Jewish faith.

Joseph Reyes had the child baptized Catholic last November. Rebecca Reyes' attorney accuses Joseph Reyes of acting out of spite -- not religious freedom.

Joseph Reyes is defending his decision to have his daughter baptized. "I'm a father. I'm an awfully good one, and I want to be able to exercise that right," he says. "Part of that right is introducing my daughter to the core fabric of who I am. Being Catholic is part of that fabric."

After getting pictures from the baptism, Rebecca Reyes' attorneys asked the judge to grant a restraining order forbidding Joseph Reyes from exposing the three-year-old to any religion other than Judaism. But last month, Joseph Reyes took his daughter to Holy Name Cathedral, and a judge quickly charged him with contempt. Reyes' attorney, Joel Brodsky, says his client did not violate the court's order.

"What Joseph did in taking the child to the church was to have the child exposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ," Brodsky says. "Jesus Christ was historically known to have been a rabbi. His teachings are well within Old Testament and Talmudic principles."

Brodsky argued in court today to keep his client out of jail. Joseph Reyes is facing six months behind bars and a $500 fine if convicted.

Reyes denies accusations that he is intentionally drawing publicity to his divorce case. He and Brodsky have also asked that the judge who issued the restraining order be removed.



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