Donny Deutsch, ‘Coconut’ Bigot, Typical Democrat
During an interview with MSNBC’s Joy Behar on Feb. 21, MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch let his bigot flag fly. While fulminating against the tea-party movement in general and in particular against the candidate known as “the tea-party candidate,” who gave the rousing opening speech at CPAC, Deutsch blurted: “You almost need that blank piece of paper. That’s the new model. Like, you know, this coconut (Marco) Rubio down in Florida.”
In settings like MSNBC (but usually backstage) the term coconut (brown on the outside white on the inside) is generally used to castigate “Hispanics” who ignore marching orders barked by Democratic/MSM drill sergeants—same as “Oreo” for similarly uppity blacks.
Never mind that the Cuban-American Marco Rubio is probably more purely Caucasian than Elvis Presley, Hank Williams, Oral Roberts, Johnny Depp among many other southerners who boast Choctaw/Cherokee heritage. We’ll deal with Deutsch’s stupidity in another article. This one’s about Deutsch’s bigotry, a derivative of his stupidity.
Exit polls show that Cuban-Americans voted against Obama by the highest margins—and by far!—of any U.S. ethnic group, including “anglos.” So we’re fair-game for ethnic slurs—and have been for decades. In fact, Deutsch has as much reason to fulminate against Cuban-Americans as the most virulent nativist. Regarding the U.S. political mainstream, Cuban-Americans obstinately refuse to assimilate. To wit:
The Democratic Party controls the U.S. legislature, most state legislatures, most state governorships and boasts–by far–the most registered voters in the U.S.
Yet these insufferable Cuban-Americans have traditionally snubbed all pied pipers from America’s majority party, along with their allies and cohorts in the America’s mainstream media. Instead Cuban-Americans have always gone whole-hog for Republicans—from Nixon to Reagan to both Bushes. In the last two presidential elections the voters of their adopted country gave George W. Bush barely half of their votes, whereas these exasperating Cuban-Americans —again oblivious, or brazenly defiant of their countrymen —gave him 80 per cent of theirs.
Cuban-American campaign consultant, Alex Castellanos, is widely credited with designing the most damaging campaign ads against John Kerry during the 2004 election, prompting America’s mainstream media to dub him “vicious” “irresponsible” and “the father of modern attack ad.” Earlier Castellanos, along with fellow Cuban-American Jose Cardenas, had been instrumental in helping elect Jesse Helms, one of America’s most vilified politicians by her majority political party and its mainstream media cronies.
This political intransigence has often goaded the Democratic/Media axis to enraged sputterings against Cuban-Americans. “Truly disgusting!” was how Bryant Gumbel characterized them during the media circus preceding the shanghaiing of Elian Gonzalez. Three years ago Georgetown professor Norman Birnbaum, an advisor to three presidential candidates for America’s majority political party, labeled “Miami-Cubans” a “truly repellent” group. Two years ago, one of America’s most influential newspapers, the Washington Post, one that habitually endorses America’s majority political party, ran a cartoon celebrating Cuban-Americans expulsion from the U.S. en masse.
Study the cartoon and imagine the fire (literal, perhaps) if instead of fedoras (which are rarely worn by Cuban-Americans, BTW) the group had worn kuffiyehs, burkhas and chadors. What if the boat’s passengers had been labeled “nappy-headed” and were headed for Africa? Imagine the rallies in Los Angeles if they’d worn sombreros!
Such cartoons are indeed imaginable with other ethnic groups — but only with Uncle Sam cast as the villain, wearing a white hood, a swastika, or an Ann Coulter mask. In dispatching Cuban-American Republicans, Uncle Sam smiles benevolently while handing the boat’s ethnic occupants off to a Stalinist gulag. “Ha-ha!”
The head explodes imagining the MSM reaction against such depictions against any other ethnic group.
During their convention in 2004, America’s majority political party feted Michael Moore as their honored guest, seating him in a place of honor right next to Jimmy Carter. “Cuban-Americans,” wrote this honored guest for America’s majority party in his book Downsize This, “are responsible for sleaze and influence-peddling in American politics. In every incident of national torment that has deflated our country for the past three decades; Cuban exiles are always present and involved.”
In a nation where the mildest, most off-handed–or even unwitting, see “black hole,” “niggardly”– mention of ethnic traits commits the professional and social equivalent of a capital crime the usual watchdogs on ethnic sensitivity (the Washington Post and Democratic party always among the most vigilant) issued nary a peep against the blatant bigotry just mentioned, much less in defense of the vilified ethnic group.
Earlier immigrant groups have all yielded to mainstream American political enlightenment. Though the Reagan Revolution made inroads, over a third of Italian-Americans remain registered with America’s majority political party, along with almost half of Irish-Americans. Jewish-Americans habitually skew 65-85 percent for America’s majority party.
Yet these unspeakable Cuban-Americans simply will not see the light—simply will not politically assimilate. Not all the King’s Horses or all the King’s Men can bring them around to follow the lead of the majority in their adopted country and register Democratic. Even with the third generation registering to vote, a measly 13 per cent of these incurably obtuse and unenlightened people register with America’s majority political party!
This is the most diminutive Democratic registration of any ethnic group in the U.S., and 72% of these troglodytes are registered with America’s minority party (Republican.) This is the highest for any ethnic group in the U.S. — more proof that these octopus-eating, fast-talking, wildly-gesticulating people are genetically wired to buck mainstream American norms!
Big Journalism
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