Saturday, January 02, 2010

strypgia @ 2009-12-27T07:49:00

"Gotta get paid

Good Evening, gentle readers. I know, I've been bad, not posting for too dang long. Mea culpa. Sumimasen, and all that. Merry Christmas and a Happy Solstice to all, by the way.

But I bet you're wondering what has finally gotten me to break silence again. Or to once again beat a very dead horse-zombie, "I bet you're all wondering why I've called you here today."

Well, I've fallen once again into a very bad habit. The paperwork's all done, so its official as far as dates and counting go, and we'll have the whole formal ceremony tomorrow, but its all done as far as the Army is concerned.

I've re-enlisted again in the United States Army."


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