Hammorabi Strikes Back: Christmas is a pagan festival not related to Jesus Christ

Booo yeah, Sam's The Man, sayeth Sistani
Free your mind and read the Quran, Mad Tom, Sam tells us. There's certainly a lot of freedoms in the Islamic World, LOL.
You can't stop Hammorabi from posting, you can only hope to contain him:
Christmas is a pagan festival not related to Jesus Christ
The westerners are deceived people and they follow festivals and occasions just for life enjoyment and even those who celebrate it as religious they follow it blindly with out question. Moreover the media controls them just like toys. Only very few of them ask and question and read and very few of those may reach a satisfactory answer.
Let us first ask who was Jesus Christ? Is he a western man or an eastern one? The answer is well known and it indicates that the westerners are following an eastern man. More than that some of them consider him as God and some they call him as son of God! Which is of course not true and they have been again deceived. That is not our question but we can direct them to read the Holy Quran in which there is a chapter called the Sura of Mariem (Marry) the mother of Jesus and also many other versus in which JC was mentioned several times. Go and read it! Just be free one day with open mind and not deceived one!
Like the Easter, the Xmas tree, the New Year’s Day and many other festivals Christmas itself is a pagan festival and have nothing to do with JC birth. Let us see how?
No one knows exactly when JC was born and most historians they put it into September. The only thing that historian agree about is that JC was not born in December at all. The western as the others celebrate Xmas as JC birth day on 25 of December which is contradicting the facts in the bible. The bible mention that the shepherds were tending their sheep in the night JC born and this is not applicable to the cold weather of Palestine. There are many other facts indicating that JC born not in December but we will not go through all of them now. You have to search for the truth! You have to liberate yourselves from the materialistic life of the west and its false media and go and be free person one day of your life and ask and search! It is a challenge and you have to do it with an open mind otherwise you will stay handcuffed and a strayed all your life.
Let us see where the Xmas came from?
The 25 of December is the day that the Babylonian (ancient Iraqis) used to celebrate it with gifts, drinks, food, partying and mischief as the day of the Son of their god Isis. This was thousands of years before JC born. This is exactly what the westerners doing even before JC born. It is nothing but a pagan day and celebration. In Rome they use to call it Winter Solstice and it is another pagan celebration. It was long before JC ever was known. It was later in 350 the Pope Julius declared the 25 December as JC birth day! Do you now understand how they deceive you? Go and be free at least one day in your life and search for the truth. See what the Holy Quran tells you about JC and see how false your festivals are. Do you still to remain deceived and follow blind pagan traditions? Don’t you have a brain give to you by the Lord God (Allah) and He will ask you if you ever used it to question why you are living and who you should worship and thanks? Allah created you to worship Him and you will be questioned about this in the Day of Judgment?! I am warring you!
Xmas tree is another pagan issue used to be used as symbol for worshiping trees. It is another way of destroying our forest and nature like all the other ways that the west destroying this nice planet. In fact Prophet Jeremiah forbids the cut of trees for such events! Do you know why and where and how? Do you want me to tell you? No! Go and be free with open mind and search for this yourself and do not let them deceive you again and again. This is not what God (Allah) created you for! He created you to be free and to search for the truth that you may reach but again and again with open mind? Have you got the answer now! Read Jeremiah: 10: 2-4 but the most important read the Holy Quran or you will be another toy manipulated by your media. They just like to handcuff you! Do you accept to be handcuffed? If not be free for your life and free your mind first. It is not the western freedom that about sex, alcohol, social issues, drugs, and all other sins. These are not a freedom but handcuffing by the Satan. Freedom is how close you become to God the most gracious and the most merciful (Allah). Freedom is values, respect, peace (Islam means peace), and to be free from the media and materialistic life. You are responsible in front of God (Allah). I warn you especially after reading this article. I am calling upon you to come back to Allah by His name and to be close to Him and you will not achieve this but only by Islam.
Be free, read the holy Quran, open your mind, be among those who will pass on the Day of Judgment over the straight path, seek paradise not hell, be over your lusts and let your brain control it, and be guided by Allah. Come to Islam for your own salvation.
"Christmas is a pagan festival not related to Jesus Christ"
Technically Sam is correct. If he'd only look a little inward with his sharp eyes
Christianity itself doesn't need Jesus, just Peter.
But none of that is relevant to the believer, Sam should understand that, I'm sure of it.:
"Be free, read the holy Quran, open your mind, be among those who will pass on the Day of Judgment over the straight path, seek paradise not hell, be over your lusts and let your brain control it, and be guided by Allah. Come to Islam for your own salvation."
Every time I read one of those, I hear Shakespeare in my head:
"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war"
I wonder what they hear?
Mad Tom,
Yes, Sam may be technically right, but he's so over the top, LOL, with his critique, that's it's amusing. Also, many aspects of Islam are derived from Pagan antecedents.
As to what the followers hear, well, people hear what they want to believe in. Reality, it may not be. 1400 years of conquest by sword and tax and a copious lack of self criticism (those immutable words of the Quran which can never be challenged) leading to economic and intellectual stagnation is what occurred. Islam broke down when it was no longer able to absorb and tax new non Muslims.
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