Sunday, November 08, 2009

Pediatric Surgeon and Military Blogger Dr. Chris Coppola who Deployed to Iraq, Publishes Book: A Pediatric Surgeon in Iraq

"Dr. Chris Coppola, a Military surgeon and blogger who deployed to Iraq in 2005 and 2007 has published a book. Dr. Coppola blogged about his deployment over at Made a Difference for That One and now has a blog about his book.

Coppola: A Pediatric Surgeon in Iraq is the fierce, true-life account of Dr. Chris Coppola’s two deployments in Operation Iraqi Freedom as an Air Force pediatric surgeon. Twice stationed at Balad Air Base, fifty miles north of Baghdad, in what was first a rude M*A*S*H*-style tent hospital and later became one of the largest U.S. military installations on foreign soil, Dr. Coppola works feverishly to save the lives of soldiers and civilians as word spreads among Iraqi families that, no matter what the infirmity, he can save their children.


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