NOVA Becoming Human Part 1
I know this has noting to do with the wars, and I am not even posting the link because it's a discussion of evolution, which I know is a favorite subject of the right wing friends. I am posting this because they present some startling evidence to do with climate change. So unless I, did not understand the science presented, they present evidence of climatic changes on very small time scales that would in fact put a big dent in all of the climate change supporters, I being one of those.
I'm just not saying more unless you watch the evolution series.
I know this has noting to do with the wars, and I am not even posting the link because it's a discussion of evolution, which I know is a favorite subject of the right wing friends. I am posting this because they present some startling evidence to do with climate change. So unless I, did not understand the science presented, they present evidence of climatic changes on very small time scales that would in fact put a big dent in all of the climate change supporters, I being one of those.
I'm just not saying more unless you watch the evolution series.
I have read many studies that showed evidence of rapid climactic changes. One I remember in particular indicated that most extreme changes happened relatively suddenly, over decades or a few centuries rather than over millenia. But, I watched the first episode and thought it well done, as well. But, like most scientists of our time, they are waaaaay to certain they have things all figured out, now. 'Now we know' has been proven to be one of the most foolish things a scientist can say. Tell me you now have reasons to believe and give me the reasons, don't tell me you 'know' anything 'cuz the guys before you that you think you are correcting 'knew' with the same certainty.
Did you watch this nova presentation?
OK I read again and see you watched the episode.
You would think you would have been jumping out of your seat. In the part where they get to the apes growing larger brains they were looking for pressures that would have sparked such a change, and they went looking at the layers of sediments on the sides of the canyons where the fossils were found. They found evidence of diatoms in the layers, pointing to lakes, large lakes the size of the modern lake Victoria. But these lakes, the size of lake Victoria came and went in less than a thousand years, and the cycle repeated several times..I have never heard of such a thing, had I not seen the layers myself in the show I would not have believed it.
Now they don't say why or how this happened, only that the sediments are evidence it occurred.
The sediment are on top of volcanic ash, but I don't think you can connect the two events, as they seem separated by too much time.
It doesn't prove anything but it is a very interesting data point that I think needs to be explained more. I was sorta thinking what a great place to hide to hide the evidence, in a show right winger would not watch, or at least would not watch very closely...
Ha! I don't know where you got the idea that Conservatives wouldn't watch such a show. I've watched NOVA for as long as it's been on television. I didn't jump out of my seat because it wasn't news to me. I get a kick out of global warming cultists who declare deniers to be faith zealots oblivious to science, when global warming has become all about faith--- they have no need for facts. I read that Gore's sequel is big on faith and spirituality, taking the global warming--eh, climate change movement--all the way to cult status.
Well that's not his fault, he's just taking what they are giving. Seems like the Christian Coalition is going to endorse climate change legislation, if not the science itself. Who are the zealots now?
"that Conservatives wouldn't watch such a show"
About evolution? I don't know what could have given me such an idea, my bad.
And you know that just because it can happen naturally, doesn't mean that we cant cause the same effects. As a matter of fact it reinforces that fact that climate can change very rapidly. What was startling is that the evidence doesn't seem to fit current molding, which would mean we don't understand the triggers very well.
That doesn't put climate science as a faith, nor dose it mean we have nothing to worry about, only that if we don't understand the triggers, how can we legislate a remedy?
You must know some Conservatives that are very different from the ones I know. Darwinists can be zealots too, ya know. I hold absolutism in equal disregard, regardless of which side it falls on. The ultimate question of how and why is the only one that really matters, and is unknowable. The rest is just entertainment. The more we know the less we know and the more prone to disasters we become. But, that seems to be the way of things, so why fight it?
That we don't understand is something we agree upon. Good to hear you finally realize it. We probably disagree that someday we will understand climate sufficiently to understand man's effect on it is something we won't agree on. Anytime someone declares themselves 'expert' and is in possession of Truth, I tune out. If they wan't to address pros and cons and are open to the possibility they have no fucking idea what they are talking about, I'll listen.
"Conservatives that are very different from the ones I know."
The conservatives you know endorse evolution, Darwin, astronomy, and 65 million year old dinosaurs fossils
Texas must be strange country indeed. Conservatives around here is usually synonymous with bible thumpers
You confuse the religious right with Conservatives. The Religious right may all be conservatives but not all conservatives are religious right. All Marxists are leftists, but not all Leftists are Marxists, are they?
"but not all Leftists are Marxists, are they?"
I'm having my doubts about that, it getting harder every day to tell them apart.
Same here, which is why I left it as a question. Can you believe the arrogance of these asshats? They are going to vote on one of the biggest bills in American history with less than two days to attempt to read what is already unreadable. And that after making a big deal out of pledging they would give the public plenty of time to read it? Why aren't the reporters yelling and screaming at Pelosi every time she stands in front of them? It's just amazing and curious--- or suspicious. It's torch and pitchfork time.
Maybe, but not there yet. They just said they were delaying the vote because they did not have the numbers, so there must be at least 41 real dems left in the house. The rest are either ignorant of communist
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