Sunday, September 20, 2009

Democracy Can Be Dull

"WaPo's story about the graffiti in Baghdad is the latest in a series of the paper's "it's circling the drain, people. Let's cut our losses and forget this useless patch of land and its equally useless population" articles.

In the dismissive style of its reporters, the story claims: "The writing on the walls of Baghdad's checkpoints have little to do with reality," Okay. Doesn't most graffiti everywhere? Then it continues: "Grim as life is here, with everything from buildings to desiccated orchards shaded in a dull ocher, no one needs testament to that." Grim? Maybe the reporter was busy creating, in his strained style, a dismal story and didn't go to the countless cheerful restaurants crowded with people drinking and laughing the night away. But hey, if the reporter wants to blame the drought that has hit Iraq in recent years on the United States, let him go ahead and add it to the list of absurd claims made by his newspaper."


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