Monday, August 03, 2009

The Origin Of The Obama Socialism Poster

Obama as the Socialist Joker - Credit:
The Corner

No image has better captured President Barack Obama's authoritarian pathos than this one. It's eerie and scary, an eye-opening meme that will stick in your head and is about to sweep the nation. Whomever owns the t shirt and bumper sticker concessions for the image is about to make a fortune. The big question: Which conservative talking head or politician will first embrace the image and fight off the charges of racism that will be leveled at them, because the Obamination is in white face?

As to the image/poster's origin, Anthony Dick at The Corner details its genesis:

What are the origins of the Obama-Joker-Socialism poster? Drudge links to a Newsbusters headline noting the posters have been "popping up in Los Angeles," and Newsbusters in turn traces the image to an online article from April 25 of this year. A Google Image search reveals a very similar image dated January 18, 2009, from the Flickr photostream of "a 20 year old college student in Chicago studying engineering." It's the fourth image down at this link, accompanied by the caption: "Not necessary indicative of my political views. But I do think hes not all he said he is. You can already sense he's backing off his claims of change." The student's image appears to be a photo-shopped parody of a Time cover. You can tell that the poster image linked to by Drudge and Newsbusters was adapted from the student's image by the identical red border and the date at the top left


LOL, as Canopfor at Hot Air notes, t shirts, gear and merchandise featuring the image are already available at Cafe Press.


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