Sunday, August 30, 2009

Layla Anwar On The Death Of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim

President Bush Gives A Warm Welcome To Rabid Death Militia
Leader al-Hakim, Who Is Making Goo-Goo Eyes At Bush - cr: UPI

Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the "Butcher of Baghdad," one of the "Thousand Saddams" that came in to power after the US invasion, recently took a Shia death nap from his duties as chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq and head of the nefarious murdering Badr Brigades militia.

I knew al-Hakim assuming room temperature (which is hellishly hot in Iraq after all) would provoke mon petit papillon, Layla Anwar into a fugue of highly fevered angered arousal, and Ms. Anwar sweetly, scathingly came through:

A.Hakeem head of the despicable SIIC, head of the Badr Brigade, the Shiite Iranian militia (by the way all the Shiites militias are Iranian militias), A.Hakeem who landed in Baghdad thanks to American tanks, A.Hakeem who had close ties with the neo cons. A.Hakeem head of the thugs who raped, tortured, murdered Iraqis, including Iraqi scientists, academics, doctors, ex-army officers and exiled thousands of Arab Sunnis...A.Hakeem who was tirelessly aiming for an "independent" southern Iraq, falling smack into the Zionist plan for the partition of Iraq. A.Hakeem whose son Ammar is known for his criminality, corruption and theft. A.Hakeem and his fucked up Shiite revivalism, hoping to turn Iraq into a full fledged Iranian colony so the long awaited Persian Mahdi can finally materialise in the Wilayat Al-Faqih...the Wilayat Al-Faqih Khameini style...A.Hakeem with close ties to Hassan Nasrallah of ze Lebanon...A.Hakeem died in IRAN today.

Whoooo, she sounds a bit agitated, doesn't she? Alas, this is Layla, and Layla wouldn't be Layla be without sweet words for her favorite leader habibi, Saddam:

S.Hussein, the martyr hero Iraqi President, who was lynched by none others than the Iranian criminals, till his last breath proclaimed nothing but the UNITY of Iraq, died in IRAQ, and this criminal venerated by Shiites as one of their supreme leaders died in Iran.

Ahhh, Layla's jaunt into the Arab Parallel Universe with the rightful criticism of Safavid stooge al-Hakim, followed by a veneration of genocidal maniac Saddam.


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