Monday, April 27, 2009


"I had one of my weirdest deployed experiences last night. First of all, I know how tiresome it can be when people on their second, third, fourth deployment say, “On my last deployment…” or, “what we used to do…” It gets old and, since thing change so rapidly a lot of what you used to do is irrelevant. But…

Combat will always yield strange experiences, ask anyone who has partaken in the event. Dud mortar rounds landing in the center of a group of people, injuring no one. Six year olds smoking cigarettes while you search their house and detain their father, brother etc… Walking in on a room full of sleeping, topless Iraqi women in the middle of the night. Three legged donkeys and five legged dogs. And then there is the IA and IP, an endless source of “WTF” stories. Whats my point?"
S4 at War

A new milblig I just found. or actually it found me.


Blogger CI-Roller Dude said...

Thank a God that there is nothing as strange as war. You go thinking you're going to do great things, after you're there, you hope you make it through it, once you're home, you think "WTF did I just waste a year of my life for some dumbass......"
It boils down to helping the dude or chick next to you in the foxhole, humvee, or whatever make it through the war.
Wars do really suck.

5:46 PM  

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