Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Reading the news and watching Letterman, I get the impression Blago is telling the truth, more or less.


Blogger B Will Derd said...

Sounds like he did what most of them do as naturally as breathing, but he is on tape doing it. Dear Leader obviously saw nothing wrong with it just as he saw tax cheating as something to be expected among leaders. Or, for example, having a political racketeer help pay for your house.

This is the same prosecutor who railroaded Libby in the press and convicted him though he never proved a crime had even been committed in the first place, so if I were Blago, I'd be nervous. fitzpatrick knows what he's doing.

2:15 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

That is if it goes to trial, with such big names on his defense witness list, Blago might be holding the cards.

But who really cares, I would think that the current trend of moving full steam towards central planed communist economy should worry us more for the present.

Where are you republican when we need one?
Isn't there some secret handshake, or signal or something you could give your friends?
If ever this country needed a true republican or a sane democrat.

And at the same time they are marching immigrants into death camps on TV. I guess Nazis immigrated to Arizona, and are implementing their final immigration solution.

6:38 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

I'm no longer a registered Republican, so don't ask me. I now profess to be a independent Libertarian and I'm investing in pitchforks and torches for the coming revolution. It only takes 1/3 of a population to bring about a revolution and we have to be getting close to that number--- or will after a few years of this central planning. I used to think that the rhetoric against Dems was exaggerated, but after just two weeks of Dem rule, I think it was understated.

6:51 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

We are drifting rudderless in the wind my friend, drifting rudderless in the wind, and the rocks are getting closer by he minuet.

I think you might be on to something, I might just break out the old pitchfork, clean, oil, and pick up a new box of ammo, just in case. It can never hurt to be ready for anything. If they pass this nonsense bill people are going to waiting with their hands out for their share. I don't want to be around when they all find out just what it is they are getting. nothing but more government and a more repressive one at that. I'm guessing they are moving the immigrants out of the jail and out to the death camps to make more room in the jail proper.
Are they expecting trouble?

7:04 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

OK. I'll bite--- what the hell are you talking about 'death camps'? Maybe I missed something.

As for coming catastrophe, I believe it will likely start with the complete collapse of the Mexican government which will spread northward in the border towns, some of which are practically run by the narcos already. That sounds like conspiratorial, apocalyptic ranting, but it's happening right now. It isn't being covered, but the number of people being kidnapped, murdered, raped and beheaded on this and that side of the border grows daily and the Mexican government is surrendering because so many of the police and military are involved. We have Iraq 3 years ago happening now in Mexico and I have zero confidence that these naive socialists running the country will be ready for the tidal wave headed our way. No joke, I am investing in gun retailers and manufactures and putting away stock of my own. Texans will not lay down and take it and I know many others who have arrived at the same conclusion (and a couple of them are Mexican Americans, I might add) Remember the Alamo! It's a Texan prepared is all I'm saying, Dear Leader may be able to just smile and shuck and jive his way through.

7:41 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I saw it on TV, at some jail in Arizona they are marching the immigrant population out into a tent city type jail.
A death camp. I'll see if I can find it on the net.

I'm aware of the war along the border, and that the Mexican government could collapse. But in the case of a collapse, the wave would not move north, I don't think, it would move west towards the capital. The people moving north would be the refugees and the displaced. But the war would move south after the capital, and the rest of Central America could fall into chaos. If Mexico falls, so will Panama, and Nicaragua, and on down towards Venezuela, Colombia, and maybe Brazil. Though I would think Brazil safe, but maybe, I would not bet the farm on that.

Unfortunately Phelps's has the right solution. Legalize pot.

8:00 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

If the refugees move north, so will the war. Some Texas town are indistinguishable except they are on our side of the river. This is where the money is. And most Mexicans have been taught, including the few who have been formally educated at all, that Texas, NM and CA are rightfully Mexican territory and have Mexican populations over 25%, most of them illegal. They have been told the drug problem is all due to US. You get a flood of refugees with the Narcos in their midst and it could get really nasty. They will make demands.

There are home invasions and kidnappings in Phoenix alone nearly every day. Mexicans in US high schools are being hired and trained to smuggle dope and inform on local enforcement. The Death Camp sounds like the county jail outside Tucson. Been there for two decades and is hardly a Death Camp. They just house prisoners in tents and make them wear pink underwear, etc. They have one of the lowest recidivism rates in the country.

As for legal pot being the answer, I doubt it. Heroin and coke are the big money items. Personally, I'd make it all legal with the understanding that if you go down that road, we will throw you in the ditch if you get in the way of the rest of us. Don't ask me to pay for your mistake. I might offer some help, but I'll be damned if I think I should have my money forcibly taken from me (IRS) to pay your way.

8:44 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

You talk as if Mexicans were some alien creature from another planet. And believe it or not, Texas NM,and CA were in fact Mexican territory, Florida was Spanish, and Cubans are the oldest population, except for the natives. And even most of the natives here are more resent immigrants to Florida than Cubans.
It's the border that moved not the people. And the peoples of the southwest had been there for at least 10,000 years before the Spanish showed up

I don't understand why you think the war would follow the refugees north? The war will follow the drug routes down south. The US will always be a harder target. No one, and I mean No one would be crazy enough to invade Texas. Not even us Cubans are that crazy.

There are home invasions? Where aren't there any?

Yeah but pot is the cash crop that pays for all the smuggling routes into the us. If we only legalized pot, we could have billions in resources to focus on the harder drugs, plus thousands of freed jail space for violent criminals, or Banksters. and the Mexicans could put their forces on their southern border to stop the cocaine and heroin, from getting into Mexico in the first place.

No one would import, or smuggle much pot, they would just grow some in their back yard or local collective farms and such. Which would as I said free up thousands of officers and millions of $$ to focus on our own borders.

9:19 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

"They just house prisoners in tents and make them wear pink underwear, etc. They have one of the lowest recidivism rates in the country."

Probably because they leave town once they find out they are in a Nazi wonderland.
It still looks like a concentration camp to me. I mean, why are only the immigrant population being moved to the "tent city", you think they like it better out under the stars with the snakes, rats, and scorpions?

9:33 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

If it was me, I would find the snakes and scorpions so I could hurt myself with them. Then sue everyone.

9:44 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

That tent jail has been in operation for decades and has thousands of Americans of all types in residence. I have seen several documentaries on the jail and it isn't anything like what you want to imagine. A lot of people have been saved by having the experience.

I bet I know and have spent a hell of a lot more time with Mexicans than you have since I have been in the construction business in TX for 30 years and worked alongside them continually. And yes, some of them have been friends. I know what I know of the real danger from them. Some of them are the most concerned and most prepared to fight back. It isn't a racial thing, it's a cultural thing.

I also know a hell of a lot more about Texas and Southwest history than you, probably. It's mandatory material from 3rd grade on. They taught more Republic of Texas history than US history when I was attending. As for the border moving and not the people, you can't be that ignorant on the subject. The Mexicans that were here during the War were called Texicans, just like the Whites and Indians, and some of them were among the heroes that liberated Texas from the tyrant Santa Anna. They are some of the most conservative people you will meet, by the way. Fiercely independent. But they are far outnumbered (probably 10,000 to one, at least) by the illegals and offspring of illegals, many who have no allegiance to the US or Texas and think they are owed something. As for the rest of the SW, it was bought and paid for-- under duress, sure, but paid for nonetheless and Mexico would be a bigger mess had it not.

If refugees come in great numbers, there will be pushback, They will demand services since we 'stole' their land and are responsible for the utter failure that is Mexico. That is what they believe, I have heard it from them directly and from those who live among them. Crime, likely riots will follow. If you had seen some of those amnesty 'protests' up close as I did, you might have a better appreciation. There are semi-Marxist agitators among them organizing and agitating. I saw several Che t-shirts and flags and hundreds of Mexican flags and not an American or Texas flag among them. A lot of Texans were ready to fight then, just imagine if half a million or so pour across the border in a matter of days. The border cities already dominated by Mexicans will demand help, the Mexicans in northern cities will protest if we resist. Of course the Narcos will come with them in addition to the crime already endemic to their communities. They are here already. The crime in their communities is 3 times what is reported and what is reported is shocking. It won't be all out war, but they will make the gangs they have here now look like Boy Scouts. I see it easily spiralling out of control.

It won't be a military invasion, but it will be an invasion nonetheless and worse because there won't be clear targets. Mostly the Mexicans already here will bear the brunt, but it will have a terrible effect on the quality of life for everyone, and we ain't willing to take much more.

10:21 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I have to laugh at your history lesson. Not because it wrong, it's not, but the way you put the efficacies turns it into propaganda.

Mexico might also be a bit richer today...

"They will demand services since we 'stole' their land and are responsible for the utter failure that is Mexico."

And you don't understand that either. Even though it's true you heard it. I hear it from every immigrant group I know, except maybe Cuban exiles from the 60's. But you hear the words and you don't understand the meaning. All they want is a chance to live in safety and to participate in commerce, everything else is secondary. I don't know how to explain it exactly, but it's not about territory. Even the most reprogrammed Cubans, it's not about territory, it's more about mutual respect than anything else, and more than a little shame that they had to come here, gringolandia, because of the failure back home. And believe me, they know it's their own governments fault, and they also "know" its the US's fault.
Its a strange duality that is hard to explain.

The reaction you see, is most likely just for you, because your their gringo boss, "exploiting" them.

Here is a test for you. What do you think I meant with the word exploiting?

About the Marxist among them, why do you think I refused to vote Obama. These people were like his darlings. When I saw that I did not need anything else to know Obama was a communist. Your worried that they are at the border. I would forget them and worry about the communist in the White House!!

11:01 PM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

No, the Mexican-texan-american I know best was in effect, my boss since I subcontracted from him for years. He'd punch you in the nose for being condescending--- really, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He bowed up to me once and I'm at least a foot taller and outweigh him at least 60 pounds. Others I've known didn't necessarily work for me, but were subcontractors in other trades and we respected one another. I think I know when I am being bullshitted. And don't tell me many of them don't feel they are owed something. I heard the chants and the speeches with my own ears, with help from an interpreter to go along with a lifetime of working with them and having them work for me. Sure, they want to be able to work and earn a living, but they don't want to sacrifice what I and my ancestors had to sacrifice to have an environment in which they could do just that in their own country which is full of tremendous unfulfilled potential. Rather than fight the fight at home, why not come here and take what others secured for generations to come and tell themselves it came at their expense, so why not come get some? They have a socialist culture and mentality and it's led them to ruin and they have and will damn sure bring it with them, especially with a condescending like minded individual in the White House. I'll wait to tell you 'I told you so", but I'm afraid it's coming. Texans especially are not going to take much more and the first rally with Mex flags and Che t-shirts on behalf of the refugee flood is going to go badly. People I know who are sympathetic to the illegals plight (as I have been, for the most part until recently], are going to demand strong action or take it ourselves--- and there are plenty of real rednecks who need no encouragement. I don't want to blame the people, but let's face it, they have failed where my ancestors succeeded with hard work, sacrifice, and determination and I won't dishonor that by letting it just fade away so I can be politically correct. As you can tell, I am becoming truly pissed in a way I have never been before, and others I know share the same feelings. Just as you said, it is coming from DC as well, and that makes the threat truly real. If those of us who value liberty don't stand up, we might as well be Mexico. I won't go with the flow. If it comes down to it, I propose we let them have it and we'll take Mexico and start over. Start with the 1st and second amendments and go from there.

12:18 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

"No, the Mexican-texan-american I know best was in effect, my boss since I subcontracted from him for years."

Did you ever notice anything different about that guy, and they other Mexicans?

By the way you have heard of the old cast system like in India, or Japan right?

12:41 AM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

Before I go off, maybe you should fill in your vague point intended by your mention of the 'Caste system' endemic to Hindu populations but exists in all backward nations.

You aren't talking to someone who isn't pretty familiar with the immigrant plight. As for the difference between those who become employers and those who remain employees, that is pretty much irrelevant to skin tone or country of origin. It's more of an individual thing. This isn't Mexico, which is why they are here to start with.

8:56 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

An individual thing, yes to you and to me. I guess the Caste system is probably to strong, more like the Class system in Europe. It is endemic in Hispanic populations. I'm not exactly an expert, but it was the system the Spanish brought with them , and it was the system that was in place with the native populations, throw in some Catholics which has a very top down system, and you can start to understand. Parents teach their children, it's reinforced with their religious beliefs, and then it's enforced through their economic system. Rich land owners, have been the same families for generation going back to colonial times, and the peasant population that works the farm, go back the same generations.

It's a bit strange, what I am about to say, sometimes it's hard for a foreigner to see the difference, but usually, the class system is color coded. The whiter you are, (very European) the better your chances are to belong to the higher class. The more Native American you look the more down the system you tend to come from. And the more black you have, or a mix of black and native, or any other combination with little or no white at all, the lower you go and the less chance to have of finding a job outside your immediate community, or your place in the class system.

These people have been bread to follow, like cows. You'll never get a cow to act like a Buffalo because the wild has been breed out of them. The same can be said for many of these people.

I only wish I could explain it better. In Cuba, the whites are the ones that moved here to Miami. If you look at pictures of Cuba today it's a black, mulatto country. castro made sure to run off or kill all the whites to make the people easier to control. He understood the class system and understood that the lower class people would be easier to handle. They're more obedient.

9:49 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

"This isn't Mexico, which is why they are here to start with."

Yes but, they did not come here to change the world, only to make enough money to send back home to support their extended family. For the most part. You have to look carefully, but many of these people don't know about the class system in the same way we can talk about it here. It's not something they recognize in themselves, it's just something that is.

10:02 AM  
Blogger B Will Derd said...

Yeah, I hear yah and have heard some of that from some of them. I used to bust a guy I knew because he put so much effort into making sure the sun didn't turn him a shade darker. The thing is, most, if not all, of those in construction here are of the darker skin tone, the Indians, so it's more about character, intelligence and drive that determines who is more successful in those circles, but I do know they were hard on Salvadorans for whatever reason. Everbody got to have somebody to look down on, I guess. They did tend to be darker. I haven't noticed that the bosses/ owners are generally lighter skinned than the workers, but I don't pay that much attention to such things. People are strange animals. I understand wanting to leave such a system to come here, that is the main attraction after all. What I don't understand is why it seems almost all the win or die revolutionaries south of here are Marxist instead of Jeffersonian. The Contras being an exception.

10:26 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

"but I do know they were hard on Salvadorans for whatever reason."

This is another one of those things that drive me crazy. As far as I can tell, the base reason for that behavior is to prevent a Central American Union from taking place.

Again dates back to colonial times, and what they did was to manipulate the original animosities between the peoples of central America, mixed it with European nationalism, and created the modern version, where you get people from Nicaragua that will just hate people from the neighboring Honduras. To the extent that I have had Nicas come up to me and ask to be put on another crew, just so they don't have to work with the new guy, because he's Honduran...I don't know if you have ever had that problem, don't ask me to explain it either. I don't have a clue beyond what I just said.

Cubans are different in that respect. When we put on our work boots, we only see the project that need finishing, and we can work in a crew of anybody, even gringos!
And if you invite your friends home for a meal, grandma will cook up a feast, and grandpa will pull out his best bottle of hooch and pass it around. But if your seen even looking at one of the girls, you know from a lower color coded class, all hell will break lose, and the funny part is, you get it from both sides!!

11:00 AM  

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