Sunday, February 01, 2009

New Drones Enlisted as Bomb-Fighters

The U.S. military has tried everything to stop roadside bombs, from radio frequency jammers to hulking trucks to blimps to lightning guns. Now, the Pentagon is getting set to deploy out a new crew of bomb-fighters: robotic aircraft with specialized sensors, designed to spot the deadly weapons and the militants who are planting them.
Improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, killed 161 coalition troops in Afghanistan last year, and wounded another 722. That's more than double 2007's casualties. So the Pentagon's Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) is developing four drones to help discover who's behind the explosive traps. All four are supposed to be "fielded or tested this year," according to Inside Defense.

The agency has invested in robo-planes before. But these latest efforts seem to be concentrated on smaller, lower-flying drones that can closely track the action on the ground.

The "Sentinel Hawk" is a modified Silver Fox drone, equipped with infrared sensors and "built to keep tabs on a specific road or path," Defense News explains. A single operator will be able to command teams of the eight-foot long aircraft, as they patrol the roadways for bombs.

The "Yellow Jacket" robo-copter gives warzone convoys an unmanned eye-in-the-sky. For up to eight hours, the drone will follow around -- and keep watch on -- a vehicle, beaming what it sees down to the ground.

Then there's "VADER, "short for "Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar." It's a $45 million project to equip a drone with a specialized Synthetic Aperture Radar. These sensors are better at tracking moving targets -- and changing scenery -- than standard cameras. And they work in all kinds of weather. Defense contractor Northrop Grumman recently finished up the first test flight of the new sensor, for the Pentgon's way-out research agency, Darpa.

Another Synthetic Aperture Radar program is "Copperhead," which puts a minituarized version of the sensor on a 17-foot Tiger Shark drone. (Usually, those kind of sensors are only found on much bigger planes; JIEDDO has spent $23 million to squeeze the radar on.) The idea is to use the radar to "detec[t] soil disturbances, which cue analysts to look for specialized threat signatures," a recent JIEDDO presentation explains. (Well, sorta.) An "operational assessment" is slated to begin next month.

Finally, there's the hush-hush "Green Dart" sensor, installed on Hunter drones. The armed forces won't say the first thing about the $22 million, classified effort. But it's clear that the program, begun last year, is expanding. A new contract for "on-site technical, engineering, logistics, training, and operational support" in Iraq and Afghanistan is set to be handed out soon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

JIEDDO is a propaganda joke! They started as a small group who was supposed to be able to move quickly without all the red tape to get our soldiers the equipment they needed. They have grown into a 3,000 plus organization that gets hundreds of millions of dollars to solve the I.E.D. problem and yet they do nothing but play games with tax payers money while our soldiers get blown to pieces by I.E.D's Here is a little hint, the technology for Yellow Jacket has been in their office for over a year now! They have not done one thing with it! There are more soldiers today being killed by I.E.D.s than at any other time in our history, and JIEDDO has done nothing with the technology that has been presented to them. It is all a bunch of propaganda so that they can get more money from Congress (who now has to overlook their program because of poor management) so that they can all keep their jobs, while our soldiers die. With the information and technology that JIEDDO has been presented, and the simple fact that they do nothing with it while our soldiers die, should be enough to try them all with TREASON! I bet if the "engineers" of JIEDDO were walking in the soldiers shoes, they would be doing more to get them the equipment they need, and deserve, defending the country that allows slackers like JIEDDO to have jobs. Our soldiers are dying from 30 dollar explosives and you are going to try to tell me that JIEDDO is doing all they can with all of the millions of dollars they have been given? Maybe their "engineers" are not as smart as they self proclaim, and lobby themselves to be. Bottom line is this, they have a solution to the problem, they have had it for over a year, and or boys are getting killed at a higer rate than ever.

9:01 AM  

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