Sunday, January 04, 2009

Anti-Semitism on Calgary Streets

An ugly protest outside the Prime Minister's riding office:

Leading the demonstrators shivering in -25C weather in a chant, Muslim Council of Calgary chairman Nagah Hage denounced Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as a Nazi for what he called the "barbaric" bombing of Gaza.

"Olmert-Hitler, you’re the same, the only difference is the name," Hage shouted repeatedly through a megaphone.

One placard equated the star of David with the swastika, while others depicted victims of the bombings being dug out of the rubble and bloodied children.


Later, when asked if he regretted his Hitler comparison, Hage stood firm. "Hitler wasn’t as bad as Olmert," he said.

"Hitler wasn't as bad as Olmert"? That's a whitewash of Hitler if anything. Either way, it's stomach-churning. We don't need to be throwing around Nazi analogies or comparisons, but it's clear which side bears the closer resemblance:

The following are some recent examples of Hamas defining this ideology of genocide, as it applies to Jews:

1- Quran condemns Jews to extermination "The Meccan [Quran] chapter entitled 'Jews' or 'Children of Israel' is remarkable... It's about today's Jews, those of our century, and speaks only of extermination and digging graves... This chapter sentences the Jews to extermination before a single Jew existed on earth... Palestine's blessing is linked to destruction of the center of global corruption [Jews of Israel], the snake's head. When the snake's head of [global] corruption is cut off, here in Palestine, and when the octopus's [Jew's] tentacles are cut off around the world, the real blessing will come with the destruction of the Jews, here in Palestine, and it is one of the splendid real blessings in Palestine." [Palestinian cleric ,Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), July 13, 2008]

2- Jews to face yet another Holocaust Headline: "Suffering by Fire is Jews' destiny in this world and next." "... you will taste the punishment of Scorching Fire." [Quran 3:181] "This [Quran] verse threatens the Jews with the punishment of Fire... the reason for the punishment of Fire is it is fitting retribution for what they have done... but the urgent question is, is it possible that they will have the punishment of Fire in this world, before the great punishment [of Fire in Hell] ... many of the [Islamic] religious leaders believe that the [Jews'] punishment of Fire is in this world, before the next world... therefore we are sure that the Holocaust is still to come upon the Jews." [Sheikh Yunus Al-Astal, Hamas MP, in his regular column in Al-Rissala, (Hamas weekly) March 13, 2008] It is important to note that the Hamas MP switched words in the last sentence, from the word he used throughout, "harik", which means "fire", to "mahraka" a word from the same root, that is used by Arabic speakers to mean "holocaust."

3 - Muhammad's promise: Jews will be killed "Regarding the Jews, our business with them is only through bombs and guns... the prophet [Muhammad] promised that we will fight you, with Allah's help, until the tree and stone say: "Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." [Nizar Rayan, Hamas religious and military leader, Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Jan. 1, 2009. Note: Rayan was killed on Jan. 2, 2009]

4 - Extermination of Jews - good for humanity In an article promoting the continued use of suicide terror in the official Hamas newspaper: "We find more than one condemnation and denunciation of the resistance operations and bombings [suicide attacks], carried out by Hamas and the Palestinian resistance branches... [Eventually] everyone will know that we did this only because our Lord commanded so: 'I did it not of my own accord' [Quran] and so that people will know that the extermination of Jews is good for the inhabitants of the worlds." [Al-Rissala, (Hamas weekly) April 23, 2007]

5- Kill a Jew go to Heaven A poster that Hamas posted on its old web site taught that killing a Jew is enough to grant the rewards of Heaven. Text on Hamas poster: "I will knock on Heaven's doors with the skulls of Jews." Axe is crashing through the word: "Jews." [URL on poster, Hamas terror wing: "Ezz Din Al Kassam"]

Anyone with the Muslim Council of Calgary have anything to say about any of that?



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