Monday, October 06, 2008

SarahCuda and other clever things

"So I finally watched the VP debate today at lunch, a few days late. We are on a new schedule that I suggested in an AAR and I think they (the brass) read, which frightens me, because a Joe's #1 priority is to stay off the radar. I think Palin smiles too much; people who smile too much are suspicious. What's up their sleeve? However, she is extremely hot and is a deployment +5000 at this stage in the game. I loathe the Obama/Biden campaign; a bunch of old, rich guys telling me how they are just like me and telling everyone that they need to button down and prepare to sacrifice for their country. Let's see some DD214's, fellas. Anyways, I found out that you can go to the post office and bypass the Army bullshit and send in a ballot yourself, which I did. So I've already cast my vote, and I think I made the right choice."
Fobbits Need Ice Cream


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