Friday, October 17, 2008

HuffPo Moran Calls Joe the Plumber a Parasite

"After the media & netroots spent the last 24 hours digging through Joe the Plumber's garbage and connecting him with the Keating Five somehow, Joe continues to get smacked upside the head with a monkey wrench for daring to ask The Obama an unscripted question. This is the latest smear job against a guy who works for a living over on the Huffington Post (h/t Libertarian Republican):
No, Joe, you're not a typical American. You're a leech who wants to beat the rest of the hard-working Americans who worked hard to build a country where you can make a good living. You're a parasite who's bought the message of the Newt Gingrich-Ronald Reagan right wingers who have worked hard to destroy the US government one regulation, one agency at a time.
Ouch! Mr. Kall's commentary against working stiffs might be a bit overbearing, because why would a voter dare question how his tax dollars were being spent by the federal government? With the Ponzi scheme of Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid which loses billions of dollars a year in corruption, and other essential Federal Government functions like researching how BeeGees music helps with CPR, it's hard to see why Joe might be disillusioned."
LT Nixon Rants

How dare someone ask questions of the "The One", all questions, and questioners that would like to address "The One" should fist go thru our education program to acclimate them to the ways of "The One" as to not cause any discomfort while answering any questions we may allow.

The next thing Joe might expect is to be arrested, named and "enemy combatant" and sent to Club Jitmo.


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