Sunday, October 05, 2008

Another Ramadan without spirit ..

"Hello friends.. I couldn’t publish a post for a while I was busy with my book, it is done now and was edited three times, we also signed the contract with the agent, I hope we’ll find a publisher so that my voice will be heard more in the world, and more people will know the truth about our life in a war zone, our sufferings, the good and bad events, our traditions and life style before and after war ..
Ramadan changed since the war began, or I can say lost its old spirit, just like everything else in our life . .
People here desperately want the old days back, even if they have to lie at themselves and pretend everything will be ok . people started to go to the markets in the evenings, I can't believe it, it is crazy! If we don’t have security during the day, how can they guaranty their safety during night? in the dark streets?? !!!!!! and we also have curfew !!! beside the terrorists won’t allow this situation to continue they’ll terrorize people and force them to stay home."
Days of My Life

News from Mosul, don't sound too good. Looks like still a lot of work to do up there.


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