Saturday, September 13, 2008

Arabs and Muslims Need Education

"I received this in a forward from my uncle, and it has raised a bit of a debate between recipients, a hint of resentment from at least one of our Arab brothers. I've seen some of these statistics before, and they are quite startling. One commenter wrote that the author ignores history; he omits the Arab and Muslim geniuses from history. The Arabs hold on to history - we are proud of our heritage. I was going to postulate that Arab genius has been in decline since they became Muslims (I've argued this before), but the advent of Islam actually helped to advance Arab knowledge, at least with respect to algebra and the use of fractions. So when did the Arabs lose their mojo? It's easy to blame colonization and war, but Baghdad has been subjected to some horrible invasions, like the Mongol besiege of Baghdad, during which the Library of Baghdad was burned down and Baghdad's status as a center of knowledge and learning disappeared."
Iraqi Mojo

Most frightening post to date.


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