Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A top general says more troops aren't the answer in Afghanistan

"More than two years ago, I reported from the ground that we were losing the war in Afghanistan, a conclusion that was met with widespread ridicule and criticism. Now, more than two years after those reports, the situation there has only gotten worse.

Our next President will have to make some painful decisions regarding Afghanistan. If those decisions are unwise, we will lose the Afghan front of this war.

On the upside, however, our military has proven that it can take a war that looks unwinnable and turn it around. During those very dark days in 2006 and early 2007, the Iraq war seemed lost to many "experts." Many "experts" were ready to cut and run. But we won in Iraq. Against heavy odds. Our very experienced and capable military -- who truly rescued victory from the jaws of defeat in Iraq -- are my only hopes for Afghanistan."
Michael Yon


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