Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Signs of the Cross

"There has been much hoo-hah over the last couple of days over John McCain's story of a guard who had loostened his bonds overnight, and who later, on Christmas day, stood alongside McCain outside of his cell and wordlessly drew a cross in the dirt with his foot, stood alongside McCain for several minutes, before erasing it to avoid punishment from his own superiors in the Communist Vietnamese hierarchy.

The lefties, without evidence, accuse McCain of plagiarizing the account from Solzhinitsen -- as if no Christian under persecution could ever have made such a gesture before in recorded history.

By the time of the McCain incident, the Ichthys fish was in common usage as a symbol of Christianity, having been revived from the early Christians living under Roman persecution - a fact that seems to have been lost on the undereducated moron who penned the Kos diary, who heard the story and missed the historical resonance of the gesture, instead laughably thinking that it sounded something like a scene of Ben Hur."

The only part of that story that I found strange, is that making a sign of the cross constitutes "worship".

No doubt it could under the circumstance, I just found that strange.


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