Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Should you join the Army?

"I teach at a high school and many students ask me whether they should join the military. I have come up with an easy, if oversimplified, formulation. There are two reasons to join the military: The first reason to join the Army is if you are an individual who loves military stuff: You like guns, marching, physical exercise, and the smell of Kiwi; you've watched Blackhawk Down 23 times and didn't realize there was another station besides the History Channel; you read Victor David Hanson and Sun Tzu; and you like the PX as much as Bob Vila likes Home Depot. You need to join the Army or else you will suffer from soldier envy for the rest of your life. "
Asymmetric Military


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you so much kind sir/woman. i love it when things are boiled down to a readers digest condensed version, with a simple direct answer. you smashed the nail on the head. truth is i have been suffering from soldier envy since birth. i just recently signed up for the forces, mainly because it has been a dream of mine for 24 years. its time to see if it's really what i dreamed about. i wouldnt expect a better answer from anyone else. high school teachers are the best!!! they know everything, and can communicate it to you in a language you understand with a bit of authority and a dash of foresight, also possibly some hind sight. ie; if were you.
high school teachers rock!!!

9:52 PM  

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