Of Koolaid and Coolers
I know it's non of my business, since I am a liberal, but you guys should nominate Anne Korin as John McCain's Vise Presidential Candidate. One of the few sane Republicans I have heard talk in years.
It's funny but according to Anne's talk the other day in front of the Young Americans, Rush Limbaugh is working for the enemy. words to that effect. I wish I had the video, you all need to see it. The poor Young Americans which were used to just regurgitating the party nonsense, were shell shocked to have someone come and tell it to them the way it is. I am sure the Young Americans had to refill the koolaid jars after that talk...The usual doses would just not be enough.
Apparently I am not the only one.
[No, I was defiantly not the only one that saw that talk.]
This is Anne Korin speaking yesterday to the Young America's Foundation.
Did anyone else see this speech? I found it very persuasive. While she doesn't oppose drilling for oil as far as I know, she makes a very strong case that it won't solve our problem. I know that cuts against the grain right now. All the momentum is for drilling, and that's fine, but I ask you all to listen to this speech and see what you think.
Here are the links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
I think the person uploading this stuff is still uploading. Part 5-7 still coming but you can search for them to see the whole thing if interested.
[I moved this to the top because of importance]
It's funny but according to Anne's talk the other day in front of the Young Americans, Rush Limbaugh is working for the enemy. words to that effect. I wish I had the video, you all need to see it. The poor Young Americans which were used to just regurgitating the party nonsense, were shell shocked to have someone come and tell it to them the way it is. I am sure the Young Americans had to refill the koolaid jars after that talk...The usual doses would just not be enough.
Apparently I am not the only one.
[No, I was defiantly not the only one that saw that talk.]
This is Anne Korin speaking yesterday to the Young America's Foundation.
Did anyone else see this speech? I found it very persuasive. While she doesn't oppose drilling for oil as far as I know, she makes a very strong case that it won't solve our problem. I know that cuts against the grain right now. All the momentum is for drilling, and that's fine, but I ask you all to listen to this speech and see what you think.
Here are the links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
I think the person uploading this stuff is still uploading. Part 5-7 still coming but you can search for them to see the whole thing if interested.
[I moved this to the top because of importance]
Some of it made sense to me, the parts I got through, anyway. I repeat: there is a solution. Coal gasification and oil shale recovery in concert with opening offshore, and AnWAr. The only way that is going to happen is to guarantee that the price of imported oil can not undercut the viable profit point for recovery of these domestic sources. I've read that the point is around $65 per barrel. At that price, some biofuels could probably be viable without as much subsidy, too. That would add so much supply to the world market that OPEC would either have to cut production to levels that would likely see the cartel collapse. The downside is that we would be competing with India and China who would be enjoying oil at levels far below our self imposed $60 per barrel minimum, but if we offset business taxes with the tariff money, that could be a wash. With relatively high energy prices guaranteed for 30 years or so, alternatives would see some real advance. Right now, the big money and development isn't going to seriously chase alternatives when OPEC can turn on the spigots and cut them off at the knees. This isn't my plan, its Charles Krauthammer's and I've yet to read a critique of it that seemed at all credible. So why not do it? Environmentalists bent on 'saving the planet' for elitist run Socialism and liberals who would never stand for a cut in business taxes but instead claim it was a payoff to Big Oil.
All true but the point that she was trying to make is that the government has to mandate the change. Federal mandate for flex fuel cars, all cars sold in the US. That alone would instantly create a world wide market for flex fuel providers and it would break the OPEC monopoly on transportation fuels. And yes, maybe to maintain that market, we may have to artificially hold up the price of fuel. But the truth is that we don't have a free market today, so all we are talking about is cornering the artificial markets to our benefit, and breaking the opec monopoly.
Not to mention that we could build and drive 150mpg cars today. They are called single mode hybrids. That's a car with a gas generator, a battery, and electric motors to turn the wheels. The only problem is that the US treasury would go broke, the Saudis would go broke, and these cars would be dirt cheep to build and maintain.
The first problem with the US oil producers, is that they benefit from the monopoly of OPEC. By definition they are the monopoly, even if they have no control. under those circumstances, giving them tax credits is just going to go directly into executive compensation packages. Microsoft invest 10 times more in R&D, than all the US oil companies combined, yet big oil gets the tax credits, and gas is at $4.00 at the pump.
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