Sunday, July 06, 2008

Shabbat in the Sand

"I wrote this while smoking a Fincks Mexican Fiesta.

"The Shabbat Angels...."

The sun goes up, the sun goes down. What day is it? How should I know? It's Groundhog Day. Time has no meaning.

I call home. The kids are asleep. Whoops! I forgot about the time difference. Damn it, wife, don't you know that you are supposed to be waiting by the phone every spare second of your day for a call from me?

"Are peeking through my window..."

A soldier comes to me with a pay problem. I ask him if he printed out his leave and earnings statement. He didn't because there is only one printer in the company and it is guarded by senior leadership like the Conch in "Lord of the Flies." The problems never end: "Hey platoon sergeant? Platoon sar’nt? Where's the platoon sergeant at?"

"Soon we'll light the candles...""
Big Tabacco


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