Wednesday, July 30, 2008

FAQ Version 1.0

"I did not smoke while composing this.

Since I was featured on the military website “The Donovan” I’ve received a traffic explosion that is actually a little frightening. I first started this blog as a sort of virtual memory-jogger and set of breadcrumbs for my friends and co-workers. It has turned into something that people talk about around the water cooler at work and read in the cafes of Paris.

One person even went so far as to say that my blog was like watching Larry David’s: “Curb Your Enthusiasm” but set someplace hotter than Los Angeles.

Ok, I’ll admit that I’m a bit like Larry David: Oversexed, overwhelmed, under confident, and perpetually realizing that the joke is always on me.

I’ve gotten a lot of questions since that July 23rd posting from The Donovan. So here are some of the answers:"
Big Tobacco


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