Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Who is the Interpreter?

"The INTERPRETER word means: translating thoughts, points, meanings and actions, but it doesn't mean translating literally!!

the interpreter is a communications bridge between the Coalition Forces and the Local Iraqis, without the interpreter they cant communicate with each other and bad things will happen cuz of the misunderstanding!!

for example, I remember we were doing security operation in a city- west of Iraq, I was with my team. we were the strikers. and there were MET team( team deals with the Iraqi Army).. the MET team leader told his interpreter to call the IA's (Iraqi Army) through the radio and telling them to stay away from that house which we were getting fire from, cuz the air will bomb it...
the interpreter didn't understand what his team leader told him, but I was there and I heard what the team leader said...so the interpreter called the IA's and told them "hey the Americans say get in the house and detain the bad guys inside the house"..

I heard him and I was like what the fuck r u tellin them???? Do u wanna kill them u stupid? he said "that what the team leader said!!" I said "call it off", then I asked the team leader what u just told him? he said "tell the IA's to be away from the house cuz the air will bomb it.." then the terp understood that he translated wrong and he almost kill IA's team by translating mistake...then he called the IA's again and told them "run far away from the house ASAP the air coming to bomb it..""
Interps Life


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