Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Student ID – Corruption??

"How far will corruption – and therefore distrust take us? Has the issue of a student's campus ID card become a national security risk – because of corruption?

Several weeks ago I took my daughter's student ID, issued by her college, to follow up a documentation process in officialdom. I hate handing over original papers because they have a way of disappearing. And it did. Who to ask – who is responsible – who can I vent my anger on – no one. No one is accountable.

In despair, I let it go.

Now the final exams are coming on. We've been told that no student will be allowed to sit the exams without their ID clearly displayed on their desks. And this time for real.

A rush to issue a new one.

It turns out that colleges are no longer authorized to produce their own students' cards, because so many cards have been produced for people who were not students! I got goose bumps – who were these people? How and why?? I was sent off to issue a police statement verifying the loss of our document. It seems they have shoved the responsibility onto the police – they, surely, are straight.

At the Police Station. A place of clashing loyalties and God knows what agendas.

I took great care to dress for the part of the simple ignorant elderly lady – down to wearing flip flops.

Hesitantly, I walked in and asked for the person in charge of statements, and was directed to him. "NO, no Hijiyah! You don't understand! (patronizingly)We are no longer at liberty to issue police statements. We are forbidden." So what now?? "You should go to the courthouse and register a formal claim for a student's ID."

To file a case in court?? "Tell me, my son, why has this become so complicated? It's just a student's ID – not even a national civil affairs ID – and a girl's ID at that!", "You don't understand, Hijiyah. When they put the responsibility with the police instead of college administrations, more – rather than less fake IDs were issued! So now no student's ID is issued without a court order from a judge. So, I hope the number will not get even higher!" He laughed out loud.

So that's why I was standing in line at the judge's door until closing time yesterday. I met so many extraordinary people with unbelievable stories to tell, I nearly forgot why I was there!

I did not, however, reach His Honour's door. Maybe I have to pay to get there!

But I cannot forget what he said about so many fake IDs issued for "other" people. Who are they? Why do they want to enter the campuses??

I thought it was relatively safe inside her college - now I have serious doubts.

Inside Iraq

Those evil Americans


Blogger Mister Ghost said...

Mad Tom,
LOL, I'm tired of doing the job for you.
You have to post this link from my friend Sam the Iraqi Interp.
Americans most favorite questions to the interpreters
It's wild.
Sam is a good guy and to be commended for being one of the few Iraqi bloggers to fight for his country.
So, computers in Cuba.
How soon before the casinos reopen in Habana with the world class hookers and the mob bigwigs playing poker in the back room? Ha Ha.

4:22 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Mister Ghost,

Well chances are the hookers of old have gone the way of the Cuban Cigar, overprices and stale. Your most likely to find the new class of hooker has taken the limelight, young male escorts are all the rage with the tourist these days. As to the Mob bosses, they never left, they just go by a different name these day, Communist Party Member.

The computers are a good sign, but the end of the travel restrictions are what people are talking about. No more exit visas, anyone can just leave...I am afraid the only people wanting to get in to Cuba, are just looking for the male escorts, the majorities are those looking to get out.

Thanks for the link, your making up for the months of exile, you still might have a few links to go to make up the difference.

5:19 PM  

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