Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Day Of Fools

"So, the title has more to do with it being April 1st, that it has to do with relating to a prank. Yay, happy April Fools day another month gone, another month looming ahead. The more things change, the more they stay the same, Work, Work, Work, Refit, Work, the cycle never ends. I'm so tired right now, studying, commo repair, weapons repair, patrols, jcop, I can't wait for when we hand over this place.

Anyways, we dropped off another 120lbs of school supplies to the school, hopefully I can get some pictures posted. I know I promised scanned versions of the pictures that the kids drew, but my scanner keeps flipping me off and ignoring my commands, I personally think it's perfect for becoming an Iraqi Police man.

Also, it seems more corruption is at hand in our AO. The Governors cousin was granted a contract, by the Governor, to do trash clean up. Well, he's been paid and the trash still hasn't been cleaned up. We're going on 5-6 months now; and the city council can't touch him...he's the Governor's Cousin. So he makes off with tons of cash, and the people of Baqouba live in filth."
False Motivation


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