Sunday, March 30, 2008

Video Q&A: Answers From Iraqis, Part 2

BAGHDAD — We’ve been looking back to the start of the war in Iraq five years ago. But what about the next five years? In what ways do Iraqis think their lives will be different in 2013?

That was one of the questions submitted by readers for our Q&A with the Iraqis living in Baghdad. Mohammed al-Obeidi, an Iraqi staff member, and I posed it to Iraqis we interviewed recently. These interviews were conducted outside the Green Zone, in some of Baghdad’s mixed neighborhoods, where we hoped to find people from the widest range of backgrounds.
Baghdad Bureau

They are asking for questions and I have one.

In the videos many Iraqis long for the end of the "occupation" but it would seem to me that they all had different definitions for the word "occupation". So I would like to submit for your consideration that next time an Iraqi uses the word "Occupation" that you ask them to define what they mean, and to what degree would they like to see the occupation end. Things like do they consider any troops on Iraqi soil and occupation, or if only they are conducting "combat maneuvers", or "patrols", to get a better idea of what people mean when they say "the Occupation"


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