Sunday, March 09, 2008

Milk......It does a soldier good!

"Hey! I know what you're thinking. "Wow, two posts in a week!" But I have something impressive. The Canadians have real milk! Yep, after a recent patrol, in the vicinity of somewhere, we stopped by one of the Canadian FOBs and had dinner. They had real, whole milk. I dipped a fresh chocolate chip cookie into it and had one of those flashback moments with the streaming music playing in the background. Then I thought "if the Canadians can get fresh milk, why the hell can't the US Army get it?" Suddenly remembering that real milk is for Air Force personnel, I returned to my moment of splendor and enjoyed three glasses of milk, savoring every moment like a high ball of Crown Royal or a pint of Flying Dog.
Thank you Canada, for your efforts in supplying the finer things to your troops I grant you "real country" status. Sorry for the South Park reference, it had to done."
Well you read it here first, Canada granted "real country" status!


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