Saturday, March 22, 2008

Feds treat Iraq veterans shabbily

Donald Rumsfeld is quoted in Newsweek: "Of course it won't be another Vietnam. We are going to go in, overthrow Saddam, get out, that's it." Two months after the United States invaded Iraq, Bush claimed "Mission Accomplished."

Fast forward to March 20, 2008. Returning vets who fought or almost died are being short-shrifted due to the high cost of war. Resistance from the Pentagon and the White House to accord these vets full tuition, housing and living costs, which the original GI Bill provided after World War II (scaled back in the mid-1980s) is due to difficulty in recruiting during wartime.

It's been a struggle to keep and sustain an all-volunteer force. They fear troops won't re-enlist. Returning vets can't find a job, are ending up homeless, can't adjust or navigate the system, and less than one-tenth are rated 100 percent disabled! And there's a requirement to come up with $1,500 to even get in the program! The opposition claims it's too expensive and too "complicated." What, the GI Bill or the war in Iraq? One senator projects the cost of full tuition at $2.5 billion per year. $12 billion went to Iraq! No paper trail, no heads rolled, no one went to prison! Raise your hand if you're upset!

I guess this is what rightwingers call support. but then again the right is against education for everyone across the board, not just Vets. I guess if the Vets want support they should all join a monastery, that way they will receive full benefit from this administration.


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