Monday, December 31, 2007


" Before this week, how many of you knew who Benazir Bhutto was? Considering how important Pakistan is to our efforts in Afghanistan, I made the silly assumption that the average American would at least have some passing knowledge of her. But when my wife called me from work to tell me Benazir Bhutto had been assasinated, I soon learned otherwise. Jancy understood that this could have a big impact in a dangerous part of the world. Naturally she started telling people at work. This was, after all, BIG NEWS. Yet, sadly, in yet another example of Americans knowing more about Brittney Spears than important people, only one person knew who Benazir Bhutto was. Teriffic. I know, not a statistically meaningful sample, yadda, yadda. Still, most dissapointing.

I was also amazed by the piercing insight of yet another of the pretty people who do TV news. She was talking about how little we know about the mysterious Mormon religion. You know, because Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and Huckabee made some snide comment about Jesus and Satan being brothers, and so on. Perhaps someone should introduce Miss Air-for-Head to the concept of research, maybe even a google search engine on the internet. There really isn’t that much secret about Mormonism any more. There really aren’t many secrets period in the age of the internet."
Afghanistan Without a Clue


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