Thursday, July 26, 2007

Icons of our war

I know it is early in the game, well in reality it is very late in the game, but for the new management of this war, early it is.

That said and knowing that I have no more with which to judge, and truthfully much less than most, I see something new, something different about the picture that is just starting to emerge from Iraq.

I know not the reasons, and have had too little time to digest properly the workings of his mind, all I have is what little I see.

To that end I would like to remind us all of the iconic images with which we were shackled by the likes of Cheney, Rummy, Rice

Compare that to what is just starting to emerge this week, what may yet become the iconic legacy of Gen. Petraeus

Like I said it's to early, and yet too late. All I can do is post what I see and hope that an informed public will help their elected officials to make the right choice.


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