Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Decider. The Decisions.

"An ever more combative President George W. Bush this week denounced the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate for attempting to substitute their tactical and strategic judgment for that of our military commanders on the ground in Iraq.

Heaven forbid.

How dare Washington politicians attempt to dictate benchmarks for measuring the effectiveness of the ineffective Iraqi government or lay down timelines for beginning the withdrawal of American troops from a war gone bad.

The President’s indignation might resonate more loudly with the American people if it were not so heavily laden with hypocrisy.

Shall we call to mind that for six years Bush and his senior cohorts—Vice President Dick Cheney and the unlamented former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld—rode roughshod over the best advice of their military commanders."
Michael Yon


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