Sunday, February 11, 2007

Show Me The Money

"Show me the money, or at least some receipts scribbled on the backs of old envelopes and grocery bags. This week, we were treated to the spectacle of the former U.S. civilian overlord of Iraq, Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, squirming in the hot seat as he attempted with little success to explain what he did with 363 TONS of newly printed, shrink-wrapped $100 bills he had flown to Baghdad.
That’s $12 billion in cold, hard American dollars, and no one, especially Bremer, seems to know where it went. It may be an urban legend, but the late Sen. Everett Dirksen, the Illinois Republican, is widely quoted as saying: “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” If he didn’t say it, he should have. Bremer, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his role in totally screwing up the first two years of the Iraq Occupation, said that a lot of the cash was delivered to ministries of the Iraqi government to meet payrolls that were patently fraudulent."
Michael Yon
To fund the republican party of course, not to mention the insurgency and the rise of leftist in south America.


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