Tuesday, February 20, 2007


"This story takes place yesterday, though I’m writing it today (yesterday) so that when I post it tomorrow (today) the reference to today (yesterday) will make sense chronologically. Got that? Good, please explain it to me.
Hamid has been very excited about all the new guys coming in. For a while it looked like many of us weren’t going to be replaced, and Hamid was understandably concerned about his job. It looks like it is secure for another year, fingers crossed. He is especially interested in the captain that is replacing me, as Hamid will most likely be working with him a lot. He wants to know if he is funny (since I am endlessly entertaining), have I met him before, what is he like, did he volunteer to come, and so on. Unfortunately, I don’t know him, and can’t provide much insight.

As we were walking across CMA in our latest blizzard, I looked down at my watch and said, “It’s almost lunch time, Hamid’s favorite part of the day. Time to fill up four plates full of food and make that belly fat.” Hamid laughs, both because he agrees, and because it is true. His ability to put away food is legendary. Much like a camel, he seems to fill up and save it for the lean times."


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