Saturday, January 20, 2007

Interview with Bill Roggio

"I have to apologize. I've been remiss in not directing you to Bill Roggio's interview with meM.
He's had it up for five days now, and it kept slipping my mind to link it on the few occasions I got Blogger to work lately. It's short, but you might find it interesting. Check it out."
Acute Politics
Got by me too, but I have been busy the last few days and have not been posting too much. Hope to get back to blogging full time soon.

Falluja Nights
"A few nights ago we we spent a good portion of the night driving around some of the nastier streets in Falluja. We navigated dirt piles across one road, and then the narrow alleys that bypassed the obstacles blocking the next road we cleared. We dug up suspicious spots in the road, and fended low hanging electrical wires away from our vehicles.

This time, we were out there that night making sure the roads were clear for the Iraqis instead of US troops. This is what they did. Not too bad, I'd say. The Iraqi forces, at least around here, are certainly getting better."
Acute Politics


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