No one is immune...
"Two hours back the GZ was targeted. HUBBY and I decided to have food to go from my dfac and sit outside since the weather is rather nice. As we began to eat, I was looking out straight, when all of a sudden I saw something hit a building and BOOOOOOM. Flares of fire began to errupt. An Orange light, lit up the sky and the loudspeakers told us to take cover. At the same time, the muathin's in the GZ mosques started to say their prayers.
HUBBY pulled me into the bunker, I kept telling him no, but he wouldnt listen. I have to say, that my first thought was my workplace was hit. We later found out where the rocket landed, and for security reasons, I cant say much. So far we heard of no casualties, thank god, but one person was injured from the shrapnel. Thats all I can say for now..."
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