Monday, November 06, 2006

John Kerry Speaks, The Soldiers Respond

"U.S. Senator -- and past Presidential candidate -- John Forbes Kerry from Massachusetts, opened his mouth recently -- always a dangerous thing -- at a rally for California gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides, and disparaged the intelligence of those serving in the American Military in Iraq:

"You know, education--if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq"

Certainly not the most brilliant or compelling statement ever uttered by a politican, and one that has generated a lot of rancor.

How much rancor?

Let's let the Military Bloggers -- those soldiers in Iraq and in the United States -- as well as supporters of the American Military have their say..."


Blogger madtom said...

You keep pushing the stupid thing, and I still can't find here anyone said that. I think the word your looking for is


9:42 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

it is a reasonable interpretation that he was saying that those in Iraq were not smart

Reasonable to who? What he said had no Bering at all to anyone now serving as he's talking about the future, not the present. He's implying that the war is going to drag on for a long time, and at some point we are going to run out of qualified soldiers and have to start dredging the bottom of the barrels. He's telling those people that you don't want to be there. Now that's a reasonable interpretation, if you ask me.

political opportunists

It's election season, a national pastime like baseball. Nothing necessarily crass about it. Do you have to put negative connotations to everything?

Yeah and where are the Republicans going to he hiding if they lose control? I think their usual rock are not deep enough, and people, like milblogers see that and tried to do their part to stave off this disaster.

I did not bother praying, I voted.

12:37 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well I doubt that. This year there are a lot of centrist dem's on the ballot. So if we win, I will be in the majority. Or at least people like me willing to work from the center. But it might make for a divided caucus were we might have to depend on a few guys from the other side to come across the isle to make the necessary changes without going off the deep end. I think your going to find a very balanced approach.

If you look out into the future, you have to expect a bit of dreadging is going to happen..I think it's a realistic view of the future.

By the way, either turn on C-SPAN, or download the video from my latest post, from CATO

2:07 PM  

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