A Black Dot on the World Globe...
"In the middle of broad day light, 150 Iraqis were kidnapped!!! One hundred and fifty!!! And you tell me, let there be hope??? What hope are you talking about??? Eighty dressed as police men, entered the institution and kidnapped them...And you tell me a society??? What society are you talking about???
Whoever did this has a plan, a plan for obliterating the Iraqi minds, the Iraqi brains, the educated level of Iraq. This is no small thing, this is not a bytheway, hey guess what happened today in Iraq...No this is something big, something huge. This is a catastrophe. The shocking news sent ripples of shivers among my Iraqi colleagues. Why they kept asking. Why? A question that no one knows the answer to. Its one of those impossible formulae that you can never find a solution to. WHY?
I ask you, where was the government at this time? The government, was giving out chairs. Reshuffling their goddamn cabinet. What a bloody joke. You're a Shia, take this, youre a Sunni take that. They dont even look at the person's background/qualifications anymore, infact I dont think they ever did. They just look at your sect and hand you a position. Just like kids, here you're 5 so you probably like playdo, and youre 11 so you will definitely like xbox."
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