Update from the ROM...
"We arrived at Cedar II in May of 2006. Each part of the company received their specific duty. Some are guards, some are office workers and some are truck drivers. We ( 2nd platoon ) were suppose to be truck drivers, but we fell into a completely different world—fueling. That right, you heard me “fueling” or as we call it, the Retail Fuel Point. Some of you might know, the 1016th Quartermaster Company mission was to provide units with bulk fuel. For the last few years that what we did on our Annual Training. We drilled into our heads how to be a set up and run essentially an over glorified gas station. Someone way up in the chain thought hey… let’s take a company (i.e. 1016th) and made them into a Transportation unit and trained everyone to be truck drivers and then assigned them to haul fuel (perfect). "
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