Tuesday, October 17, 2006

translation of Saddam Hussein Letter

"This is a translation of Saddam Hussein letter, he wrote it asking Iraqi to unite and reject separation. I translated this for historical reasons
In the name of God the Merciful God who gives us patience and takes our souls as Muslims” Qur’an 40:51

To the great nation, to honorable Iraqi ladies, to the heros of our armed forces, to our glorious nation.

Dear friends in the world. Peace upon you, God’s mercy and blessings.

To Humanity, this set its duty towards itself and others on the basis of fraternity, equality, rejection of superiority, sordid exploitation and exclusion of wills.

Friends, around the world, peace upon you, and God’s mercy and blessing.

On the occasion of month Ramadan which emerged on us this year and our lives in a very difficult situation, exposed to injustice, aggression and embargo since 1991until now, our people experience hard times under the occupation, the killing, the destruction and looting everything alive in Iraq except its faith and its pride which rejects humiliation, treachery and aggression from far and near neighbors some them came as invaders across the Atlantic inspired by the treacherous Zionist ambitions, unjustified interests and aggressiveness.

Some of them are coming from the east of our land, they are bad as usual, you know brother i am a free in my thoughts and opinions but because I am detained by the invading forces. So, my chances are limited and restricted to express my feelings and my will, especially when I direct them to you [Iraqis] through the media, or during this farce court if they don’t close the microphone to block a right opportunity to address the people at the same time when their vanity media is trying to eat your flesh alive

Here I am addressing you today in this holy month saying:

Resisting the invaders is the right and duty, the same goes to the people who collaborated with western or the eastern enemy. But I ask you, brothers and comrades under different titles and names in the brave Iraqi resistance and the people of proud Iraq to consider truth and justice in your Jihad, and don’t let overreacting mislead you. I ask you to keep the door of forgiveness rather than tolerance with the one who lost the true path, if they show some hope that they can be right guided, and remembers you have the duty to save him from himself and show him the right path. Keep the door of forgiveness open to everyone until the instant precedes the liberation which is coming soon in God allow it.

Remember and don’t forget that your goal is to liberate your country from the invaders and its collaborators and striking the enemy is easier to forgive it even if they chose to retreat, whether internal or external enemy. You recall that after every war there is peace, after each difference there is unity, after separation there is reunion, and after all hatred God will return it as familiarity. Humanity is the same, and you people are one great nation, learned in the cradle of the our land the greatest principles of human beings, and the purist religion, your spread monotheistic to civilizations, and rescued them from their ignorance and savagery. You sacrificed before for these values and sacrificed today for the same values, ahead of it the great unified Iraq, not fragmented under any color, group or allegation, this fact is the candle inside us dispel the darkness.

Brothers, my heart and tongue does not allow me to speak with you and addresses by your colors and titles, which made by the foreigners, Iraq was never been a symbol of separation, we all remember it in its beautiful colors which represent the situation in one great Iraq Arabs, Kurds and from every religion, sect or minority, we were proud that we are one nation.

Dear brothers, you have been oppressed by the invaders, their follower and their associates, so don’t oppress anybody, because you will loss God’s right, and make it easy for the opportunists to distort your struggle, and this is a big loss if its happened, and if you win then remember it is God’s victory and you are his soldiers. You have to show forgiveness and put the blood of your sons and brother (under the carpet), even the sons of Saddam Hussein, forgiveness with no return, we recall the tales of our merciful profits, Mohammad and Jesus, they forgave even the ones who insulted them, don’t forget that Mohammad forgive the pagans in Mecca after he accomplished victory. I know the heart of the freedom fighter and love to his nation, his people after his love to God, I expect you to heal the wounds and not to open new wounds.

Brothers, after you forgive the perpetrators, act to apply the law fairly and firmly, so your nation can enjoy the blessing of stability, security and flourish with culture, science and law, peaceful happy life. In this glorious month and you know that there no authority above me but the authority of the truth…. Saddam Hussein is not to be threaten, Saddam Hussein, as you know and he will stay as your knew him. God is great… God is great … … Glory to God, our nation, our people and the mujahideen … God is great and long live Iraq … Long live Iraq … Long live Palestine … Long live our glorious nation’s in Every year, our people, our nation and the peace-loving people … God is greater.

Saddam Hussein
President of Iraq and Commander in Chief of Iraq’s Arms Forces

15 / October / 2006"

Baghdad Dweller


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