The Smile of Victory...
"Im at work, so Sshhhhhh. Ive completed my tasks and decided to post from here. I hope it wont get me in trouble. But a series of emails I received and a post I read on Iraq The Model, tempted me to write. I just couldnt wait until I go to my room. So here it is. The Lancet Report...Although it mentioned deaths from coalition forces, I do dispute the use of "coalition/occupation forces". Yes the latter did kill Iraqis but but for the most part I blame the terrorists, the so called benevolent neighbours and their mujahideen, the Saddam Loyalists and ofcourse the militias....
I am absolutely outraged at the outpour of people disputing these numbers!!! I mean extremely disgusted. I dont care who committed these crimes, but the numbers are correct. Mr Bush, the more I get to hear your speeches, the more my hatred towards you increases. To belittle the Iraqi blood is just beyond me. To shrug your shoulders and say that these are lies is beyond me. For anyone who disagrees or laughs these numbers off, then I will tell you this, COME HERE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHATS REALLY HAPPENING!!! Im sure everyone has internet access and satellite channels, right??? Well do me a favour, and think about this oh and get a calculator out."
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