Thursday, October 12, 2006


"Kuo also says that the OFB was used to secretly sponsor partisan events designed solely to turn out Republican voters:
Kuo alleges that then-White House political affairs director Ken Mehlman knowingly participated in a scheme to use the office, and taxpayer funds, to mount ostensibly “nonpartisan” events that were, in reality, designed with the intent of mobilizing religious voters in 20 targeted races.
According to Kuo, “Ken loved the idea and gave us our marching orders.”

Among those marching orders, Kuo says, was Mehlman’s mandate to conceal the true nature of the events.

Kuo quotes Mehlman as saying, “...(I)t can’t come from the campaigns. That would make it look too political. It needs to come from the congressional offices. We’ll take care of that by having our guys call the office [of faith-based initiatives] to request the visit.”
And during this time, according to Kuo, faith-based groups actually ended up getting less money for social programs than they had before. Like I said a few days ago, are social conservatives ever going to catch on to the way they're being conned by the Republican Party?"
Political Animal
This should not surprise anyone. Whenever government gets involved with faith, you end up with corruption.


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