Thursday, October 05, 2006


Interesting search term I just found:

how to prove you "won't violate opsec" again

I wonder if anyone has any advise. I know I have posted stuff on this subject, but I just don't remember what. I think it's time for a search. BBASAIFS

You cant go wrong with: Blogging and OPSEC

And there is the classic: Just Another Soldier - How to Turn a Blog Into a Demotion and a $1000 Fine

Also try this google search AKO OPSEC for more information.

Something I wrote on this subject once:

Another one bites the dust. Thank God! someone had to do something with these un American evil spewing web sites.
Neil now joins the ranks of those other hate filled sites like My War, Just Another Soldier, This is Your War, Leviraq, and countless others. It also does away with the myth that the "new rules" apply only to deployed soldiers, apparently they apply to any soldier that has anything to say. "You people" should be proud of your selves. Your a stunning example of the shining city on the hill.

Which seem relevant for some reason again today.

I hope some of this is helpful to you.
Keep blogging, but always blog safe, the life you save could be your own.


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