Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saddam is not a dictator and could walk free!

"Have you read Lincoln Lawyer of Conelley?

I do agree that the so called justice system in all countries is about judging evidence not crime itself and that fact has made justice systems to look rather like a Burger King ready to serve evidence, fresh, delicious or stale and filthy! Sometimes injustice can serve much better than justice of evidence! So the fact that a murder with no evidence can never be convicted could never be better than "eye for eye" the classic way of dealing with it!
That is why Mr. Ameri (bear in mind who they were, Ameri, Shammari, Tikriti and some other tribes were enjoying Saddam's blessings) can easily defend the defendants Mr. Saddam Hussain and Mr. Ali Hassan Almajid as far as "you are not a dictator"!"
You know when I first read the news reports about this incident I really did not understand it, so I did not even post them waiting for inspiration. Well that inspiration came in the form of this weeks House subcommittee hearing on Iraq with chairman Shays, one of the few republicans in congress even remotely interested in having a hearing on Iraq. well anyway one of the witnesses explained it. It would seem that saddams crimes against the Kurds are not seen as such but the Arabs. A telling fact, and one that even comes out in saddams trail. According to the whiteness, and to tell you the truth I don't remember which one said what, saddam could be found innocent of his crimes against the Kurds, but guilty of his crimes against the Arabs. Something that would not abode well for the Unity of Iraq, not relations between the Kurds and Arabs of Iraq.

I'll be posting the Kurdish reaction as I find them.


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