Friday, September 29, 2006

Planning October Shipment

"The next shipment to the hospital will be in early/mid October and preparations are well under way. The hospital has said how the budgeted funds should be spent, funds are in place at LIFE, and a preliminary heads-up has gone to the helpers at Mosul Airport. Now I begin to watch and worry and nag and make sure the plan happens as best I can.

It continues to be easier to send and make sure they get there than to find people willing to pitch in and help expand the project. The shipments are getting there almost like clockwork. My efforts to attract support from others (individuals, NGO's, anybody who will listen) continue to be far less successful. It's hugely frustrating and could break a persons will to be totally ignored or politely told "no" or passed off to someone who doesn't care time after time after time."
Mosul Chemotherapy Project
What a shame that such a worthwhile project should get so little attention.


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