Saturday, September 02, 2006

Most Americans make no sacrifice

Many letters are strong on the theme of this country uniting to fight the War on Terrorism. Supporters of the War on Terrorism are quick to lambaste liberals for failure to support this war, but do not propose making any sacrifices. The truth is that no one but members of our armed forces and their families are making sacrifices in this war.

No one mentions raising taxes to provide for the replacement of worn-out and obsolescent military equipment or to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars being poured into Iraq. Instead of making this sacrifice, use deficit spending instead.

No one mentions increasing the size of our military or (gasp!) reinstating the draft to provide relief to our troops and their families. Instead of making this sacrifice, send the troops to Iraq for a second, maybe even a third tour.

How about making a sacrifice to reduce our oil consumption? What if we were to reduce our fuel consumption by, say, 25 percent over the next year and deny Iran and terrorists hundreds of billions of dollars?

Saying you support the war on terrorism without making sacrifices yourself is nothing but lip service. In other words, talk is cheap.

Why am I so bitter about lip service and no sacrifice? The husband of my stepdaughter (herself an Army captain until recently) just left for a second tour in Iraq. Fortunately, my other stepdaughter and her husband, a Marine captain and an Army lieutenant who have both done tours in Iraq (he has also fought in Afghanistan), do not face a second tour in Iraq in the near future.
Patriot News


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