Friday, September 01, 2006

Florida home owners insurance shenanigans

OK I do not know how wide spread this is, but it just so happens that I have seen two cases in just the last two days. You open your mail and you have a cancellation notice, for payment failure. Now in both cases I know payments were made, but the insurance companies, two different ones by the way, did not cash the check, so they mailed out cancellation notices.

What are the chances that these to events were not coordinated, in both cases the policies had been in effect for over 40 years, in one case they had a direct payment setup where the insurance company just has to take the money out of the bank account. Yet both received cancellation notices for failure of payment.

I think the insurance companies did it on purpose anyone that did not notice or they were old and did not understand the notice would lose their home owners insurance...

So I put this up here to see if anyone else has had the same problem.


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